Before embarking on my first semester of college I knew closet space would be very limited, not just for a dorm but a NY dorm nonetheless. So, I rolled up my sleeves, pulled out trash bags and set out purging my closet. Hours…or it might have been days…later I had lightened the load significantly. It was only until I was buried under flooded jeans, and shrunken blouses did I realize how much CRAP had been tucked away. The moment you find a sweater your older sister handed down to you in 5th grade is the moment you need to reevaluate. Really on a life altering level. I’m not exactly sure what had compelled me to keep everything for so many years but my closet -and my life-  are much better off now.

I was browsing Instagram earlier and came across a challenge two bloggers were holding. The #loveyourclosetchallenge. The challenge? Go 30 days without buying clothes and instead create 30 outfits using the clothes already in your closet. I absolutely love the idea and decided to participate. It offers me the opportunity to wear outifts I had been discounting in favor of pieces I wanted instead. As a broke college student there is nothing better than saving money, and I also love a good challenge.

Here is my outfit for today. I will post outfit updates as I continue throughout the challenge.

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4 thoughts on “LOVE YOUR CLOSET

  1. this is a great idea! it’s so easy to have an overfilled closet, but it’s harder to put it to good use ❤
    instagram: the_ch1ara


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